Monday, January 31, 2011

Did I make a mistake?

I can't stand second guessing my decisions.  I don't know how many times this question has gone through my head in the past few weeks.

Did I make a mistake?  Did I give up everything I wanted to begin with for something I thought I did?  Can I go back?  Do I want to go back?  Is this just the fear of moving forward that's paralyzing me?

I know what I don't want in my life, everything I gave up to move forward, to be here.  I don't know why I'm having such a hard time though.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Out With The Old, In With The New.....

YEAR, people, I'm talking about new year, old know....

Of course, there are a lot of other things in my life that I'm weeding through, but I consider that spring cleaning and it'll probably take me 'til then to get it all done.

I had a great New Years kick off; surrounded by lots of love, hugs and kisses.  I decided the only resolution I'm making is to not to make any resolutions.  Of course, I'm still promising myself to eat better, workout more, live with less guilt and all the other stuff that resolutions are made of, but I don't consider them resolutions because I normally stick to promises.

There are a lot of new experiences ahead of me that I'm absolutely terrified about, but extremely excited about as well.  I know I've kind of hinted as to what I'm going through, but I'm still not exactly comfortable just saying it (baby steps remember), but it is life altering and I'll be venting a lot more before I can admit to myself (out loud) and to all of you of it.  'Til then, take care everyone and make the best of the New Year ahead of us!
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